AUTHOR: Whitney Hopler

Human fathers can help people glimpse a bit of our Heavenly Father's
love for His children. Dads can have significant and lasting impacts
on their children's lives when they invite God to pour His love
through them to their children.

Here are some of the many encouraging messages fathers can send to
their children:

* You are important because of who you are, my valuable child.
The messes you sometimes cause are of no consequence compared to
your intrinsic worth.

* Have fun and laugh. Humor contains great healing power.

* Be flexible and trust God to guide you. He has great
adventures planned for you.

* Every moment you live is a gift from God, so use your time

* God has given me an unlimited supply of love for you. You
don't have to compete for my love.

* When you place your faith in God, even a little bit of faith
will accomplish great things in your life.

* I'm going to invest time in being with you as often as I
can, because I want to get to know you as much as I can.

* I'm going to put my love for your mother into action. When I
love her, that love extends to you.

* God can teach me whatever He desires; I'm open to His
guidance and willing to seek forgiveness and growth.

* If you're not good at something, yet you enjoy it, go ahead
and do it. Practice will help you improve, and results don't
matter as much as the process.

* When you make mistakes, I'll show you mercy. When it takes
you awhile to learn things, I'll be patient.

* I'll help point out the many ways God is working in our

* I'll encourage you to passionately pursue your dreams.

* When you're happy, I'll rejoice with you.
When you're sad,
I'll cry with you.