When we come to it

When we come to it We must confess that we are the possible... We are the miraculous, the true wonders of this world, Free to choose our ends, and our new beginnings. That is when, and only when... We come to it." From the poem "When We Come To It" Adapted by Tim Glennon from works by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Maya Angelou ------- Doubt sees the obstacles Faith sees the way. Doubt sees the darkest night Faith sees the day. Doubt dreads to take a step Faith soars on high. Doubt questions 'who believes?' Faith answers, 'I.' Author Unknown (But Greatly Appreciated!) ------- I'm reminded today of an old English professor I had at Eastern Washington University. His name was Mr. Weekes - a colorful man who loved verbs and poetry and drinking beer at the local pub. "The key to good writing," he would always tell us "is to first believe you have something important to say." I think this same philosophy holds true for 'good living.' We need to believe that we have something important t!
o say with our lives. Even if we're not a hundred percent sure of the details... we must first believe that we are here for a great and noble purpose. By doing this, we move ourselves into a higher realm. We move to a place where it is much easier for us to relate to ourselves and to each other. A place ruled by respect and possibility.

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.” John 10 : 10

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth.
Mark 9 : 23